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Live Active Leisure Sport For Change Funding

Live Active Leisure Sport For Change Funding Building on the success of the 'Get into Summer' Scottish Government funding, whic...

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Qeltic Games

INAUGRAL EDITION OF QELTIC GAMES TO BE HOSTED BY THE CITY OF PERTH IN 2023 The Qeltic Games is a new grassroots multisport tournament whic...

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Chairman Statement

Mike Robinson, Live Actve Leisure Chairman: "After five years as the Chairman of Live Active Leisure (LAL), and nearly ten on the Board, th...

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Dewars Centre - Bowling Update

Update: 26/08/2021   Discussions regarding the future use of Dewars Centre as a Vaccination Centre have been ongoing with Perth &...

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Arlene's Half-Ironman for TCCL

Arlene set out to complete a half Ironman distance of 70.3miles (1.2mile swim, 56mile bike ride and a 13.1mile) in order to raise money for ...

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Scottish Elections May

Temporary Venue Closure for Scottish Elections Please be aware that both Bell's Sports Centre, Live Active Rodney and Strathearn Community ...

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Perth Leisure Pool Update

Update: Friday 8th October 2021 Paul Cromwell, Live Active Leisure CEO said: “We are looking forward to reopening Perth Leisure ...

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Your Feedback

Lockdown may have forced us into a new normal but a recent survey has shown that many Live Active Leisure (LAL) customers across Perth and K...

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Survey Results - Covid-19

COVID-19 CUSTOMER SURVEY RESULTS  Firstly, thank you to all our customers who took the time to complete our COVID-19 Custome...

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