Customer Story: Stride for Life & Mental Wellbeing

Walking has lots of health benefits, it is one of the simplest forms of exercise, and best of all it’s free! A brisk walk will help you build stamina, burn some excess calories and will make your heart healthier, as well as help with your mood and with anxiety too. For all of those reasons, we have been delivering Stride for Life walks throughout Perth & Kinross for years, giving people the opportunity to exercise outdoors and spend time with other people too.
May Thompson is 71 years old and has been coming along to the Live Active Wellbeing Stride for Life walks for 10 years. May has been blind from birth and finds these walks a fantastic way to stay fit.
May told us, “I think the walks are a great way to keep fit and healthy, and I try to go along every week without fail. Sometimes when it’s a little hot outside I don’t go, but apart from then, yes I go all the time.”
May also spoke to us about how important they were for her mental wellbeing as well as keeping physically fit. “I think the social interaction is just as important as the physical aspect to be honest. I love getting out with the others in the group and chatting with everyone while we walk. It’s good for my wellbeing, and apart from some exercise I do at home it is the only fitness I do so it’s important.”
May also spoke to us about how she missed the walks during the lockdown and that she was relieved when they started up again. She spoke about missing the chat with her fellow walkers and talking about life in general, hearing everyone’s stories.
She also told us about how Susan, our Walk Leader, is a support on the walks. “She’s a fantastic lass, really nice. We walk round putting the worlds to rights, we talk about food, Coronation Street and lots of other things too!”
When I asked May if she would encourage other people to come along, she said “absolutely, everyone is a friendly bunch and the walks are easy to do.”
If you would like to come along to one of our Stride for Life walks you can view our timetable by clicking here.