Clubs & Sport Development

Community Sports Hubs

What is a Community Sport Hub (CSH)?

The CSH leaflet produced by sportscotland gives a full overview.  Download it here. Or you can watch the video below!

A CSH is a local collective of sports clubs and other community organisations that come together to improve the contribution that sport & physical activity has on a community.

Leaders from these organisations work together to develop active communities where everyone benefits from sport & physical activity. The Community Sport Hub approach is to support and empower local people to improve sport and physical activity in communities across Scotland. It starts with understanding the needs within a community and then collaborating to facilitate and deliver activities andinterventions.

Community Sport Hubs is a sportscotland 2014 Commonwealth Games Legacy sports development project.  

Each Community Sport Hub is unique with its own vision and values that reflect the uniqueness of the community in which it is based, but all hubs are founded on three pillars outlined below.

Hubs three pillars

You can find out more about sportscotland's Hub programme here.

What is the benefit of being involved with a Community Sport Hub?

The main benefit of being part of a Hub is to contribute to the collective voice of sport in your community.  We also find that when clubs get together, ideas and resources are shared. Our community sport hubs team can also support clubs and hub members to:

* Increase the numbers of participants and volunteers and develop people to be the best they can be
* Develop the places where sport, physical activities and active recreation take place
* Contribute to community planning
* Raise the profile of local sports and sporting opportunities
* Become robust, well organised organisations that have effective plans, policies and procedures in place
* Be sustainable and well resourced

Community Sport Hub Projects

Sport for Change Network - Focussing on mental health 
Eastern Perthshire Community Sport Hub - Fun Fit Families
River Tay Community Sport Hub - Between the Bridges Event
Dunkeld & Birnham Sport & Leisure Hub - New MUGA open
River Tay Community Sport Hub - Launch of new website

Our Community Sport Hubs

Hub name  Location Hub Officer Social media / website
Aberfeldy Community Sport Hub Aberfeldy  Logan McConnachie  Facebook
Eastern Perthshire Community Sport Hub Blairgowrie Laura Munro Facebook
Bridge of Earn Community Sport Hub Bridge of Earn   Stevie Baxter Facebook
Active Blair Atholl Blair Atholl Logan McConnachie Facebook
Perth College Community Sport Hub Perth Laura Munro Facebook
Dunkeld & Birnam Sports and Leisure Hub Dunkeld Logan McConnachie Facebook
Auchterarder Community Sports and Recreation   Auchterarder Gemma Simpson Facebook / website
The River Tay Community Sport Hub Perthshire Stevie Baxter Facebook / website
St Madoes Active Sports Hub St Madoes Laura Munro Facebook / website
Kinross-shire Community Sport Hub Kinross Stevie Baxter Facebook 
Sport for Change Network - Mental Health Perth City Logan & Gemma Website
Sport for Change Network - Women in Sport Perthshire Logan & Gemma Website


Want to join one of our Hubs, or set up a new community sport hub in your village or town?

To become a community sport hub, we generally require commitment from three different sports clubs in a community to work towards the five key principles listed above. 

Once clubs have met and agreed they wish to proceed, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will assign a Sport Development Officer to help you further.

Our Sport Development team contacts are below

Logan McConnachie This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Stevie Baxter: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Gemma Simpson: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Laura Munro: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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