Clubs & Sport Development

Club Development & PACES

Sport for change title

Our Sport for Change Networks 

Live Active Sport in partnership with sportscotland and the Gannochy Trust are working to create Sport for Change Networks that benefit sports clubs and communities in Perth & Kinross.  We have established two networks, both which are working to address inequalities that prevent local people accessing quality sport and physical activity opportunities. 

Our network model has come about thanks to learning gained through sportscotland’s Changing Lives Champions Programme and the Changing Lives Leaders Programme and the desire to focus on specific themes to make maximum impact in our area.  Our current Sport for Change Networks are detailed below.


Sport for Change Networks - Women in Sport & Physical Activity (June 2024 - present)

The aim of the women in sport and physical activity network is to support clubs who wish to develop more female players / attract more women to play / support more women to coach and or volunteer in sport.  The reasoning behind this theme is because our PACES data shows significantly more male participation locally.  Of club participation, 68% is adult male participation, and 32% is female participation. More than double the number of adult men take part in club sport, compared to women (2527 / 1183).  We have 567 coaches reported on PACES with a 73% / 27 % male to female split. There are almost 3 times the number of male coaches to female coaches (416 / 151).  Data source PACES report (2022-2024)

Nationally, the 2021 Scottish Health Survey reports that 65% of women meet the moderate to vigourous physical activity guidelines compared to 73% of men.  And Scottish Governing Bodies of Sport data (2021) shows that of all club members in sport across Scotland, only 26% are female.  More can therefore be done locally to help address the balance.

As part of the network, we will bring clubs together to:

  • Share their experience of gender stereotyping and explore ways to address this
  • Benefit from learning opportuntities such as attending the Scottish Women in Sport Conference
  • Be role models for the wider sporting network through sharing of success stories

Clubs also received a grant to deliver a specific project related to the network theme.

Which Clubs are part of the network?

Our founding clubs are Aberfeldy Rugby Club, Perthshire Rugby Club, Breadalbane Canoe Club, Perth Pickleball Club, The Madoch Centre (pickleball),Tay Rowing Club, Fair City Amateur Boxing Club, Scone Thistle & Para Women's Team, Burrelton Tennis Club.

Find out about their projects here.

Sport for Change Networks - Mental Health (October 2022 - present)

The aim of the mental health network is to support clubs to better support their members/players/coaches/volunteers mental health.

Poor mental health is an important public health challenge and significant mental health inequalities exist in Scotland. Improving the mental health and wellbeing of the population is a national priority because this is recognised as having a positive effect on many different aspects of society. Source Public Health Scotland.

In Perth, the Stronger Communities Network in August noted that support services had seen a noticeable increase in mental health issues with people, with third sector services stepping up to help those in need in the community. The pandemic and now the cost of living crisis is impacting everyone’s daily lives, mental health and wellbeing and services are struggling.

The Stronger Communities Network also noted that more needs to be done with children in school to support mental health and wellbeing (confidence, self-esteem), preventing issues later on in adult life – using a variety of early intervention and prevention approaches.

As part of the network, we will bring clubs together to:

  • Benefit from mental health learning opportunities such as mental health awareness training and mental health first aid training 
  • Sign up to the Scottish Association of Mental Health (SAMH) Mental Health Charter and help to promote this to our wider club network
  • Be role models for the wider sporting network through sharing of success stories

Clubs also received a grant to deliver a specific project related to the network theme.

Which clubs are part of the network?

Our founding clubs are: Perthshire Rugby, Jeanfield Swifts Football Club, Perth Phoenix Allstars Cheerleading, Adventure Circus, Fair City Juniors Football Club, Perth Parrots Floorball Club, Glenearn Badminton Club, Perth Strathtay Harriers and Perth Pickleball Club.

Find out about their projects here.

What is the SAMH Charter?

Scotland’s Mental Health Charter for Physical Activity and Sport aims to empower physical activity and sport communities to improve equality and reduce discrimination, ensuring mental health and wellbeing is not a barrier to physical activity and sport. The new initiative, which is part of the Charter, is aimed at club and community organisations and asks them to make four commitments around promoting inclusive practise and a welcoming culture. 

Watch: Sport for Change Network - Mental Health