Latest News
J is for Join Us
Our customers are central to everything we do and that’s why we proactively seek feedback so that we know what we’re doing well, and wha...
Upgrade to Bell's Sports Centre Lighting
Upgrade to Main Arena Lighting at Bell's Sports Centre - 6th to 23rd July We'd like to let you know that the Main Arena at Bell's Sports Ce...
Junior Holiday Pass
Kids can enjoy UNLIMITED Summer fun for only £20! 5 - 15 year olds can pack more fun than ever before into their Summer holiday with unl...
Strathearn Sports Network
Clubs in the Crieff, Comrie, Auchterarder and surrounding areas are warmly invited to attend the inaugural Strathearn Sports Network event! ...
H is for History
On 1 October 1965, Bell's Sports Centre Ltd was created, and in launching, set in motion a series of exciting milestones that would shape ...
Perth Sports Clubs Positive about Mental Health
Live Active Sport in partnership with sportscotland and the Gannochy Trust is pleased to launch a new Sport for Change Network, in Pert...
Happy Birthday Pat Duffy
There are few customers of Bell’s Sports Centre who have spent so much time in the venue since its opening in 1968 than Perth-born Pat Duf...
G is for Gannochy Trust
The Gannochy Trust was founded in 1937 by Arthur Kinmond Bell; whisky magnate, philanthropist, and all-round sportsman who cited cricket a...
Live Active Tourist
Like so many industries, the tourism sector has been particularly affected by the challenges of recent years, so we’re delighted to an...