Swimming Lessons - ASN

At Perth Leisure Pool, we offer a dedicated session providing the opportunity for anyone with additional support needs / disabilities to have fun swimming with their parent/carer; there will be no music or features during this time creating a sensory friendly environment.

Our sessions are Pay As You Go and are £2.80 per participant, parent/carer join for free. Siblings are welcome to join and pay £2.80. 

At Perth Leisure Pool our sessions are:

• Saturday: 09:00 - 10:00

This pay as you go session provides opportunity for young people with additional support needs/disability to have fun swimming with their parent/carer before the main public session in the leisure pool, there will be no music or features during this time creating a sensory friendly environment.  

• Sunday: 10:00 - 11:00
This session is for swimmers who can swim 25 metres and want to take their swimming to club standard and compete with a dedicated coach every week. Swimmers will have to complete a basic swim skills test to determine their ability level.

• Sunday 17:00 - 18:00
This session provides a relaxed environment in either the training pool or leisure pool for all ages with limited mobility or additional support needs to enjoy a swim outwith the public session.