Try Curling Open Day
If you're looking for a new challenge, why not come along and give the sport of Curling a go? On 8th October 2023, from 13:00-16:00, the Dewars Centre will be holding a Curling Open Day. The afternoon will consist of hour-long sessions, where you can learn the fundamentals and basic techniques of Curling.
Bookable Sessions Include:
- Try Curling - Try Curling sessions provide a great taster to the sport with an introduction to the basics and information on how the game is played.
- Sweeping - This session will give you a greater understanding of the current practice for effective sweeping, including equipment and rules, techniques, directional sweeping, practice drills and stamina.
- Key Principals of the Delivery - This session focuses on longevity so that curlers can "slide for life"! The focus is on balance, line of slide, weight control, release, and assessing a delivery through the use of technology (e.g. phones, tablets and apps).
- Tactics - This is a fun and exciting opportunity for curlers to upskill in the very topical area of tactics. The session will cover the varying styles of tactics used in developing a wide range of game plans. In the session, curlers will discuss the external factors which may impact the types of tactics used and will generate some great discussion on all levels.
- Stick delivery - This session has been created to cover techniques in stick curling for a range of curlers who may have mobility issues. The use of a delivery stick can significantly extend the length of time a curler can play and enables people to stay active in later years or after surgery/injury.
Book your sessions here.
Drop-in Sessions include:
- Hot Shots - This is a fun session where various curling shots are set up for people to try and see if they can challenge themselves.
- Floor Curling - This session is a team sport adapted from the more traditional game of curling and is fully inclusive and off the ice. It is a great preparation before experiencing the first ice session. Floor Curling is an ideal activity for a wide variety of groups (both adults and children). It is already well used within many schools, disability groups and groups focusing on getting inactive people active.
All you need to bring is a pair of clean rubber shoes/trainers and loose warm clothing. All other equipment is provided.
Sessions are suitable for anyone age 7+. All abilities are welcome.