
New Fit-Ball Sessions at Bell's Sports Centre

We're delighted to bring you a brand-new programme for 2022 – Fit-Ball – which combines coached Walking Football sessions plus a health screening and monitoring service. 

What is Walking Football?

As the name suggests, it’s football but without the running! You can walk as fast as you want, as long as one foot is in contact with the ground at all times. And, while tackling is allowed, it must be done in a non-contact way which means the risk of discomfort or injury is reduced.

But don’t let its slower pace fool you into thinking it’ll be a walk in the park! Walking football is an excellent way to stay fit and healthy:

⭐ It’s a fantastic aerobic workout that can improve body strength, hypertension, mobility and help to lose weight.

⭐ It boosts your mental wellbeing by improving confidence and reducing stress

⭐ It’s a great opportunity to socialise and meet new people

Our Fit-Ball sessions will also include a health screening and monitoring service run by our Wellbeing team where your height, weight and blood pressure will be taken. This will make it super easy for you to track the positive impact that your Fit-Ball sessions are having on your health!


Where: Bell’s Sports Centre

When: 8 week programme starts from Thursday 10th February

11:00 – 12:00 Women’s Session
12:00 – 13:00 Men’s Session

Cost: £39.55 for 8 week block

To book your space contact Bell's Sports Centre on 01738 454647. If you have any questions feel free to contact Dan Curnyn:

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