50 For A Reason #46 – We’re 50… For A Reason!

As the 50th Celebrations draw to a close Nicki looks back over the highlights of the past year and asks you to join in the first campaign of the next half century!
What a year it has been! Ever since Danny MacAskill flew across the Bell's Sports Centre dome on his trail bike, we've been shouting loud and proud about our landmark 50th anniversary. In the past year we have talked about many of the initiatives, projects, people and events that have gone into LAL being #50ForAReason.
Last Thursday, 15th September, we brought this to a wonderful, celebratory close thanks to Provost Liz Grant hosting a civic reception in honour of our milestone. The evening, attended by a mix of funding partners, former board members, talented athletes, councillors and others associated with LAL over the years, commemorated half a decade of the company's work in sports and fitness throughout Perthshire and Kinross.
To mark the occasion, we launched a historical document' ’50 Years of Leisure in Perth & Kinross’ which has been diligently brought together by Maureen Kay, a long-time supporter and friend of LAL. As well as this, a short Live Active Leisure documentary featuring customers, staff and fundraisers from across the various communities of Perth and Kinross was unveiled to the audience. Check out the video below>>>
What better way then, to bring the last blog of this series to an end than to look back over the 12 months of our 50th year and bring you our top ten highlights?
1. Danny MacAskill Kicks Off The 50th Year
He came, he dropped, he rolled! We welcomed Danny MacAskill's Drop and Roll Tour to Bell's Sports Centre on Saturday 31st October 2015 for a sell-out show that saw 1600 people enjoy the gravity defying stunts and thrill-seeking actions of the daring trio.
The atmosphere inside the arena was nothing short of electric. As the crowd drew in its collective breath, cheering with amazement, the stunts become bigger, bolder and even more spectacular. Ali C, Duncan Shaw and Danny MacAskill brought home a jaw-dropping event and, I'm certain, inspired a new generation of trials riders in the process. MORE>>
When you reach your half-century it is fair to say that things can sometimes get a bit slower, become a bit stiffer and feel a lot tougher! Thankfully for Live Active Leisure, it is bolstered by the very on-trend marketing team! It is their responsibility to keep us up-to-date with online services, social media and the latest in digital advances and this year, together with LAL’s brilliant rewards partners, they launched the Rewards App that would give LAL members a whole lot more! MORE >>>
3. Swim Success Sponsorship Programme Launch
Gill McShea in her new role as Partnership and Funding Manager, brought in the first corporate programme sponsor in the shape of Julie Cumming of Perthshire Flooring. Launching a new initiative called Swim Success, the partnership succeeded in bridging the gap left when funding ceased for Top Up Swimming Lessons. MORE>>>
4. Outdoor Activities comes to Holiday Heroes
This summer we welcomed in almost 7000 holiday participants with almost 200 of these children enjoying the first year of Live Active Leisure's Holiday Hero Outdoor Adventure sessions, due to Sports Development joining the LAL fold in April. This resulted in a complete sell out for these fantastic outdoor camps.
5. Even More Community Action
As well as Sports Development; Active Schools joined us in April’s transfer of services and this has allowed LAL to expand even further into the communities of Perthshire and Kinross. From the introduction of the ninth community sports hub to amazing work with school kids in the area, we have been super impressed at the success and dedication of our new colleagues.
6. LAL Talented Athletes Hit Rio
The Talented Athlete Scheme has always been a huge success story that we are immensely proud of but this year saw us scream at the screens like never before! Representing country, city and little ol’ us, Stephen Milne and Joshua Rowe took to their Team GB kits like the true Olympic Heroes that they are. We are in AWE!
7. Strathearn Aquathlon Launch
Last year saw the first junior Aquathlon take place at the Sprint Triathlon weekend at Aberfeldy and such was the success (and the appetite for multi-discipline sporting challenges) that it was only a matter of time before things spread! This August saw the launch of the Strathearn Aquathlon and we’re delighted to say the success continues!
8. More Members Than Ever Before
It is fitting that in our 50th year there are more members than ever before in ALL five localities. We’re talking about a 13% increase in direct debit members AND a 20% increase in 30 day membership sales. Everything is suggesting this will continue to grow with brilliant changes to the fitness programmes, improved facilities and enhanced membership benefits such as Live Active Rewards and guest passes. It also has to be noted that when you join LAL you are supporting your local community fitness provider and all of the fantastic initiatives we provide. We’ve found that as everyone becomes more socially aware this has become a large factor in the decision making process. After all, it’s your Live Active!
Want to join in the fitness revolution? Then check it out here>>> Joinn Today!
9. All Abilities Cycling – Cycling for everyone
After a pilot scheme where LAL borrowed All Ability cycles from Blazing Saddles and a LOT of hard work and fundraising from the project team including five key partners, LAL purchased 16 bikes including tandems, tricycles, hand bikes and a wheelchair bike. These are based at Bell’s Sports Centre and offer sessions aimed at young people, individuals and families.
Find our more about our All Ability Bikes here.
10. 50th Year Documentary and Book Launch at The Civic reception
I’ll leave this one to Jim Moyes, Live Active Leisure CEO.
"We are delighted to have had the opportunity to celebrate 50 years of Live Active Leisure and I would like to thank Provost Liz Grant and Perth & Kinross Council for hosting such an enjoyable evening. Live Active Leisure began this journey because of a conversation during a train journey to Edinburgh between Lord Provost Dr Robert Ritchie and Chairman of The Gannochy Trust Mr W G Farquharson who both expressed a real interest in building a sports centre for the community.
That conversation started 50 years of hard work and passion from communities all around Perthshire and Kinross-shire to deliver opportunities for us all. The success of our Company has been because of those unsung heroes, our Volunteer Directors, staff, customers and many sports volunteers throughout the years, and whilst the reception was about celebrating the past 50 years, we are more prepared than ever before to deliver a future offer which excites and engages our community.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who has been involved with Live Active Leisure across the years. Without the huge efforts of many individuals, groups and organisations we would be showcasing a very different company.”